Steve's Inner Thoughts

You say that like it's a bad thing.

There's no bad read there. He's playing left field against a left handed batter, bases loaded, two outs in the bottom of the ninth. Ball over your head, game is over. Ground ball in front of you just barely in the outfield, you still take a shot at the plate. So you play shallow and cheat toward center field,

That is news! They play professional basketball in Canada?? Someone should tell the Raptors about that.

The ladies are lovely there indeed.

Wait, the condor had a twitter account? I say 12 weeks old is too young to own an iphone.

Castelli and Shnapir — dating? Definitely not. Sounds like they're already married.

Dude, just because he's from Texas doesn't mean he might want to buy a military-grade machine gun.... umm... I mean.... oh forget it... it probably does.

Two Words - Yaktrax.

So, I was curious about this... so I looked. Court-side tickets for the Utah Jazz for the next Timberwolves game in February are around $ 375 a piece after market. Not cheap, mind you, but not quite the $ 700 plus to see the Jazz at the Lakers - in the 100 Zone.

Yeah, but it's JV. Half those kids are hung over from the party after the varsity game.

Blah Blah... And the Bears were playing with two rookie linebackers and a whole host of defensive tackles, one of which I swear I bought paint from at Home Depot in August. Oh... and the starting Bears QB was a volunteer high school football coach last year. Welcome to the NFL.