

It didn’t seem like it but k

Typical Democrat. Ya, Obama was all about peace lol

Pull your head out of your ass.

Trump is definitely worse. I’m at the point now where I don’t think a war with Iran wouldn’t be so bad because at least it isn’t China. These people are insane.

One of the few

Most liberals didn’t do a goddamn thing when the ACLU went up against Obama. 

Republican in the Whitehouse! Time to forget about all the thousands of people killed in Obama’s wars!

Trump is worse, but I can’t help be disgusted that liberals have turned into peaceniks all of a sudden. If I had a nickel for every liberal who defended Obama’s wars...

She was though. Both parties are stacked with warmongers.

War is bad for the average person but the government is run by the rich.

Liberal hypocrisy is gross. Segregation is bad but it’s means their kids don’t have to go to the same school as “the blacks”. Drone strikes and extra judicial killings are bad unless it’s the “cool” president they like who is doing it.

No fucking shit?

Funny how liberals only care about this kind of stuff when a republican is president.

Found the Trump troll! (sarcastic)

How many liberals supported the ACLU when they were going after the Obama Administration?