Just Saying

If this is all I knew about her, my question would be, “hmmmm, would I vote for my mom?” This is the mom-est thing that ever happened.

Bill Clinton is proof that you can get away with any number of transgressions as long as you have charisma. But God forbid you ever appear awkward in public...

Air lute!

I can’t tell if she’s pandering to the people of Kentucky or fans of Mumford & Sons.

It looks like she’s playing Air Violin on the Classical Edition of Guitar Hero


Yes, thank you. For a moment I was in bizarro universe where only a few people saw Hillary make that statement.

Can anyone point to one single article about Hillary Clinton on Jezebel or it’s sister sites in which the resulting comments by (some) Berniebro’s DON’T espouse a plethora of conspiracy theories? Cause this one ain’t it.

“I’ll take on Republicans or anyone who tries to interfere with women’s health.”

*thumbs up*

Because Bernie WILL NOT WIN a general election. He won’t. Stop believing that he has a snowball’s chance in hell of doing that. PP is looking at the long game. The GOP will get their shit together and throw up Rubio or the Canadian wonder, either of whom would eat Bernie alive.

“Old white feminists” would be a valid criticism if there was a young woman of color running, but since the alternative is an old white man, I’m not sure what the point of your phrasing is.

i can’t emphasize this enough: if you care about women’s health and autonomy, vote for the demcrat, whoever that may be. EVEN IF the candidate fails to inspire passion. EVEN IF the candidate’s husband is a womanizer (or even a sexual assaulter). EVEN IF you’re sick of the sleazy stories.


I support Bernie and those people annoy me too, they give the rest of us a bad name. Fwiw I’ll be happy to cast a vote for Hillary if she wins the nomination, it’d be great to see a woman in office.

I 100% endorse this comment, and I’m borderline one of those Bernie people. (BORDERLINE. I’d really like to think I’m not obnoxious.....)

Yes, I know. You’re voting for Bernie. Clinton is the establishment candidate. She takes money from corporations. He’s a man of the people. #feelthebern #notvotingforhillary #goingtostatetheaboveeverytimehernameisevermentionedanywhere

i’m annoyed with this. not really that they endorsed HRC- but they endorsed anyone in the primary. why bother? both bernie and HRC will be good for planned parenthood. why not wait until the general election and endorse the dem and we can all get behind it? this is just pissing off donors and causing infighting

That’s what’s up! Good for you Hillary! And thank you Cecil Richards. Those are two amazing ladies!