Just Saying

Bernie actually stated he would support “population control”. Coming from a guy weak on racial justice who called Planned Parenthood “the establishment” that is a bad look. It also is common in old grifter hippies like him; I have heard for years how those breeder ladies are the problem. He did not think through his

Or how Kamala is great. Or how much turnout we need to beat Trump. Or how Inslee has a climate plan that should be part of the Dem platform (would bet money it will be).

Replying because starring is inadequate.

“one of the prices you pay if you are a woman who has just accused the president of the United States of raping you,”

Thank you for hating that movie! I have always found that movie loathsome because the male lead is an abusive asshole who does nothing but neg her. He treats her with no respect.

You are a human of infinite patience. I applaud you.

>A bar code is encoded data. You have to trust the code that decodes it. If we could trust arbitrary code, voting machines wouldn’t be a problem.

The US ACM — which is the computing organization that the actual professionals belong to — calls for voter verifiable ballots.

Short form: fuck Bernie and his racist voters.

Bernie went on Fox News and said we need more internment camps.

They had a public health campaign focusing on the core Jewish value of caring for selves and others.

Raymond is ok with babies in cages because of his purity, I suppose. 

You could study to polish her shoes.

She was stating a fact about the caucus.

You know Jesse Helms died of colon cancer. For many people this is a tragic and painful thing. But for Jesse Helms, he should have been killed by his own malignant asshole years ago. 

“suicide is still the leading theory” no one believes that. They are reporting that LE gives no fucks, will do nothing, because they have rape kits to ignore while they police black kids.  What bastards.

Yes! If only the slogan had been something like “Stronger Together”./s

Burnmachiners that stay home can swing the election.

Only an idiot or a russian troll would advocate not voting Dem.

Hillary ran openly against racism and sexism. She was burned for it.