Just Saying

That Is Perfect!

I do not think she would publish that if it were a one-off of his. I am guessing his is gross and pathetic, and someone finally got fucking tired of it. The subtext, “Send me nonconsensual photos or I will trash your film”, must have been received by others.

Best theory yet.

It is the music of a people. Who will not be slaves again!

Well the universal acceptance of lies with he said/she said journalism really pisses people off. That people are angered by low quality should not give you delusions of grandeur. *cough Pulitzer Miller*

I completely agree. In addition it would be dangerous — what if one were half-cocked? And it would hurt like hell. Guns are not felt, smooth, and sofa-like. They are metal, angular, and it is painful to be hit with them. Being flung on a sofa on top of a bunch of weapons would hurt much much much more than being flung

He is a politician. Which is not a bad thing for someone running for President, but it is an attack on Hillary and an observation wrt Bernie.

He has spent decades in the senate. He has had time to learn.

Being called a child rapist is apparently worse than being a child rapist?

Ok, but why does it have to be government funded and not just operate like a traditional primary care office?

I went as a programming memory error. It was lame but I liked it.

They protested Bush, reported they plan to protest Trump. I would like to see them protest Rubio and Cruz, esp given Cruz’s vile comments that BLM literally supports murdering cops.

I understand the difference between a disappointing candidate and a dangerous one. Arden is white, male, and has enough money not get hurt by policies that hurt the poor. Tossing his vote is an extreme privilege. The primary ethical requirement for tossing a vote in the face of the republicans is a complete and

You are too nice. These preening consumerists who feel that they have zero responsibility disgust me.

Thank you. Google the Bush rallies but apparently they are planning to go to a Trump rally. I hope the cops will protect them from serious violence.

If you wanted ethics and transparency you would support the most investigated couple in history. Instead you are licking the asses of people who lied us into war, who literally hired trucks to help with shredding at the end of the administration, whose email you will never see.

I think they were all very afraid of the batshit crazy cop.

Exactly. From algebra-STEM pipeline to prison pipeline. It made me weep.

snatching a black 16-year-old student from her desk

What about his comments make you apply the word, “sentient”? I think “ambulatory” is probably the correct word.