If you continually oppress a group, and in this case verbally, then they will be more and more reluctant to give up.
If you continually oppress a group, and in this case verbally, then they will be more and more reluctant to give up.
No he wants to bet women's lives on that. Because they do not matter to him or he would not trivialize it.
Given their cause is hurting women and keeping girls from considering CS as a career, I actually think they may be doing quite well. Sadly.
If they cared about integrity they would look at the lack of coverage of the TPP, and its implications for content producers. They give no shits about ethics.
And if you give a shit about ethics in gaming do not start with tiny indie gamers. Look at the fucking intellectual property components of the TTP.
No one but a bunch of trolls and haters *care*.
Who fucking cares?
>I think the issue is that is started from a guy who was screwed over and couldn't take it.
Or condemning harassment and rape threats. That would be good too.
Ok explain by condemning attacks on women. We will wait. Forever, I suppose .............
Excellent. I will not be holding my breath. HumanAbyss thinks the real problem is his feelings, because women so do not matter.
If you don't want to be lumped in with racists, don't associate with the KKK. If you don't want to be lumped in with violent misogynists, don't associate with gamergate. It's pretty simple.
OH please, like this is not a hater:
BY not supporting a hate group. It is that easy!
Self-interested trolls tell you that.
Yeah. Most people in the Klan never killed anyone either, but their participation in the hate group certainly help keep the blacks "in their place". The primary function of GG is to drive women out of gaming and keep others from entering.
Sorry. I totes plead not guilty on the basis of Kinja.
People film that shit. When are you going to want to watch that? I guess, if your kid brings home a date you Just Fucking Hate...
Two cats? Go for it obviously.
I love you for this straight-up honesty.