Just Saying

And in less obvious news, daytime is bright because of the sun. Thanks sarah for explaining that to us!

He was not a puppy he had a glandular problem.

The horrible duck movie wins.

And never watched Voyager because a future with women in it as equals killed your boners. If there are women in the future they must be hot and fuckable and never, ever in charge. There was a woman desperate enough for you, but probably not for your boys unless they evolve.

I accept that I failed in my sarcasm response. But I am leaving this response because I am ok with being kind.

Thanks, but wow. A mental illness? That is sad.

Nice shirt, good fuck, all fun. I see no problem.

red wine and chocolate are good for you now tho'

Cats are born knowing French. Your cat might have helped.

Laser treatments.

Troll or insane? Troll or insane? If I spend more time thinking about this I might wrinkle.

He also is soon posting nudes of his David-like body.

I know. I thought that was hysterical.

Man, I hope she does.

Well with friends like you she certainly does not have to go looking for enemies. After all, if you friends can be counted on to call you a hag and tell you that you intelligence and success are pointless, who will?

Oh sweetie, the one thing that lie has in common with requiring women to be virgins is that both set a standard for sexual behavior for an entire half of a species. Some people, apparently, love their virginity (So the old religions say) or are just asexual (So says science) . Some people want to have sex at 12 and

I miss Bill Clinton. He lied about a blowjob. Bush lied about a horrific war, we had Bush's war based on lies murdering 4000 Americans and a hundred thousand Iraqis. Under Clinton's budget we would have paid off the debt by 2010. With Bush's cuts for the rich, we massive budget debts which will burden us for

And outed her as a CIA agent, thus seriously harming American covert efforts to prevent Iran from obtaining nuclear weapons.

Yeah you have it pegged.

Nope. She is somewhat above (below?) the run of the mill idiot. You are a pathetic wanker. She will learn. You will remain a pathetic wanker. You are less substantive.