Just Saying

My sister used to call that period "the armpit of summer".

Well you are advocating killing people with your choices, so people are bound to be annoyed when you threaten their family with your ignorance and vanity. People are like.

Because there are answers to all these concerns all over the Internet, and anti-vaxers would rather kill people than read.

Nice work weir. Now, go outside and try talking to a tree. You will get the same result except it can absorb carbon dioxide.

Holdencannan is doing all she can to make that happen, tho.

Even if there were a risk of running out of contempt, it would never be a waste to pour it on an anti-vax wackos. They risk other people, vulnerable people.

Poor Adam.

You Play the Goddess :-)

"Anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that 'my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.'”
― Isaac Asimov

So misogyny is counter-culture and not completely dominant culture? I so wish.

Your comments were excellent but were apparently a troll call. Did you post sitting within a herd of goats while under a bridge or something?

This story is beautiful and uplifting. The comments are a seething frustrated sea of troll. To see someone called out on rape culture! In a a Man Space! Oooooohhh the feeeeeelings.

God I hope he did not think that was impressive. That was seriously pathetic.

I must say I actually would kind of avoid Nashville for that reason.

But you are using reason and you might hurt his feeeeeelings.

Yes men's voices need to call out against rape. But Optimus is called for rape threats being super A OK! SO he is most obviously NOT part of the solution.

Except when you post about rape threats. Then rape is A OK!

Optimus is just jealous, he so wants to be a bigger part of the problem. He did not excuse the problem. he advocated for its continuance as Not A Problem.

Me too. Depression seems like a real risk here.

So a law meant to protect women and children is instead turned around to destroy the life of a young woman. Of course. Because if some young woman or child is being groomed or feels vulnerable or had self-esteem issues THEN WE NEED TO SHAME HER, MAKE HER A FELON, AND STOMP HER INTO THE FUCKING DIRT — GOD DAMN IT HOW