I dunno man, people who recline their seats are soulless monsters.
I dunno man, people who recline their seats are soulless monsters.
“but the alternative is having a sport that is dominated entirely by a single region, where the achievements of lesser teams and players are meaningless because their ultimate failure is assured”
Or...you know....practice and get better? Its not like Koreans have it on their genes. They just work harder for it.
Stop party pooping all over this thread. People are allowed to like things you don’t like.
100% wrong, IMO best vacation for your money.
I had thought this was given up on. I remember following some of their original screenshots way back when, and then they released the first video and I lost my mind. Nice to see it’s still going.
That’s pretty clever use of a self balancing scooter. I like it!
OH MY GOD! I get it. People hate those things and It’s SOOO popular to talk shit about them and vehemently dismiss anything related to them regardless of how neat of an idea it is. Can we move on finally? Some people enjoy playing with a thing most of you are jealous you can’t or flat out dismiss because there’s an…
Yeah I’m usually down on these things (if only because people moving on them remind me of the way the Gentlemen from the Hush episode of Buffy moved) but this seems like a pretty awesome use of them atleast.
They didn’t hack the code, they paid someone with access to steal it. It was leaked to them. The person that sold it didn’t have legal right to sell it. Bossland is claiming Blizzard knowingly purchased stolen property. I don’t think there’s a country on earth - Germany or otherwise - that doesn’t see that as a crime.
The point of the whole mean tweets thing is to see the actual people reacting to things said about them... These are just random people. Perhaps if they got the voice actors for the characters to read them, that would be something, but this is disappointing :/
I haven’t finished the game yet but I actually had to stop because of the Alien. Not because it was frightening, but because it had actually stopped being frightening to become a nuisance.