
Quick FMECA from a reliability engineer:

“…and the reason the blue sedan is dangling like a toy from the bridge is “still unknown.”

Executives at a lot of companies reach for the Maalox whenever a court chips away at the “independent contractor” model. It’s used and abused all over the race-to-the-bottom economy; ride-hailing services are just the highest-profile example.

How fitting of Ford to purchase an “enormous train station that stands out as one of the most illustrative artifacts of Detroit’s decline” to coincide with their own business model.

How long have your worked for FCA

Graft and corruption, mostly.

... or pay taxes.

so glad Patrick George shares my love of the Green GTI.

Like a lot of the roads in the northeast, the Taconic and other Parkways are old and were designed before the Interstate Highway Act, and for slower, less capable cars. The Merritt/Wilbur Cross Parkway is similar.

If they had just developed more sensible air quality standards years ago, they wouldn’t be in the situation they are in now. With the public up in arms, no rational policy is likely to please them. It’s going to be difficult to sell any of the Greens I know that the retrofit is acceptable.

Volvo is the new Saab?

Yeah but they all had to be bought back. #dieseltankgate

The original cost of a M1 was around $6 million, adjusted for inflation almost $9 million today. So basically me and what 20? 50? 100? other people worked their whole lives to pay the taxes for one of these so Hezbollah can turn it on our allies. Don’t we have some surplus A-10s we could give the Kurds? Least we could

The fact they allowed him to ride after he missed the riders’ meeting exposes them to MORE liability, not less.

Not seeing much evasive action...I’m seeing a lot of taking a corner too hot, dumping, instant regret, and then dollar signs. I’m going to guess this guy’s medical expenses and disability are nowhere near 15 million, that figure is probably more aligned with the amount of capital his startup needs....accidents suck

Classic motorcyclist mentality. Buy incredibly dangerous mode of transportation. Participate in even more dangerous activity. Ride beyond their ability. Crash and get hurt and it’s everyone else’s fault.

These are the same guys lay down their bike in the rain on the highway then moan about how their insurance company



Hanging metal skull from mirror. CP because current owner has less-than-zero taste.