
Even if I was on drugs/smoking something, I would never find Obvious Child the slightest bit funny. I really seriously am curious how some of you people find shit like that enjoyable and funny. Do you know what funny is? I'll give one or two kudos to Amy Schumer and that cartoon character, but what is wrong with

Almost all these women (maybe—I mean maybe—-excluding Amy Schumer and that big black woman from SNL [def not Sansheer Whatsherface]) remind me of the mediocre, banal tastes among hipstards in Gawker media. It almost makes me sad in this American life. My book is funnier than this shit. (My book is pretty funny.)

Just shove yourself from side to side; that will get their attention. I do it all the time.

i thought she was the key reason not to see it.

dat ass! alas, could't get me to watch the last season. just wasn't as interesting as the others.

Whoa, Jezebel writers love saying mediocre looking, LIGHT SKIN BLACK (or rather, multiracial) men are super hot!

correction: Kate: I really cannot do THIS with you on this trip right now—-I mean, hon-u-stly, W'ell.

Seems like 'so many' on here are just riveted over their (begrudged/who cares anyway) visit ... as I roll my eyeballs.

As much as I love Nirvana like anyone with a head and two ears ... and as much as I like the name of 'Foo Fighters', the Foo Fighters simply suck ass. They're about a step up from say, Nickelback and Creed.

Wow. Probably the most objective and well thought Gawker article yet. Thanks!

I like British Blacks a lot.

Thanks for the article. I used to work at Johns Hopkins Hospital as an animal research technician. After constantly witnessing the way the smaller monkeys and baboons were being treated (some were dying before salivating a lot ), I contacted Senator Barbara Milkulski about the issue. She contacted me later and told me

Cecily Strong is 'funny'; Clooney is still relevant ... Taylor Swift is still ULTRA-relevant ... ditto for SNL.

I will cherish this as if I was back in the late nineties. Or maybe even early 90s. Because compared to now, I miss the hell out of it.