
as a millennial, i don’t care about 0-60 times. to illustrate the point, i bought a brz.

-30 mpg. if a car becomes so bad/boring that my main concern is gas mileage, it is not a fun car, and it has no right to be in my garage.

I dunno, I think it is time to start asking what is the wisest permissible acceleration time in a regular road going vehicle. I think accelerations right now are just on the edge of what most people can handle even in mass market vehicles, and far too much in certain specialist appreciation “every day ride” vehicles.

skim heads

also, skim.

The signs were always there. We just refused to see it.

For what it’s worth, a Tineye search reveals another version of that picture that looks slightly more presentable, which suggests that maybe there’s been some small ’shopping going on —

But for real my friends, do get tested. #STISARENOJOKE

I finally coughed up for a digital subscription to the NYT because I was checking it so often because of Trump’s tweets.

I’m....so confused right now. Go on.

It’s simple courtroom strategy.
You can be caught on video, a gaggle of witnesses and your DNA found at the scene; you STILL plead not guilty...

Are your kids safe at school!? *while blurry footage of a child collapses on a playground* tonight at 11

Great article, but the overly alarmist headline and lede image do it a disservice. Clearly, it’s a big deal and probably does make our world less safe, but using words and images that exaggerate how bad this actually is is counterproductive.

So evil isn’t evil so long as the color of one’s skin is a certain shade, or their religion is a certain variant, or somesuch arbitrary distinction?


Yeah, & “looking tough” is not enough for the penitentiary, as their dumb asses are about to find out. Fucking idiots.

I contend that each person’s worth is based upon their acceptance in their hearts of true love for all other human beings.

Arne Duncan was Obama’s SoE. Under Duncan, according to the OECD, the U.S. fell in the world ranking in math from 28th to 35th, we also fell in reading and science. Yet at no time did anyone protest him nor did any media do slam pieces on him. I guess failure under Obama was expected.

Stupid. Idk what to say to this tbh. You record yourselves committing a crime, and then you say you’re not guilty even though it’s on video. IF I were them I would just apologize and serve my time at this point cus that’s all you can do...or I guess you could plead not guilty and get a longer sentence.

Those are impressively bad attempts to look tough in the guys mugshots.