
My friend and I thought about buying a couple Yugos just to intentionally join to death back in college. There was a pair being sold for $500 total that weren’t much worse than this one. I’m surprised you can spend that much on one.

These things were under $4,000 new. Really keeps its value.

I’d say that was at least $1,000 overpriced.

$1500? Man, your coworkers got ripped off.

It’s the first I’ve ever encountered to actually have a significant amount of positive camber on the front tires

Just lower your truck. Problem solved.

The older I get, the more I need these, but the more I frown on these. Wasnt there a major ad just a few years ago making fun of the othertruckmaker for adding a step? Probably one of those Toby Keith bits where he sings a song called Chevy Guys are a Buncha Pussiesto the tune of every other song he sings. But

Yo dawg we heard you like tailgates...

1 star 4 u

Did the NHTSA check under the invisible cloak?


Average debt seems an odd metric to go by rather than tuition. Average debt at elite schools is low because nearly everyone who’s able to afford has either money or scholarships/grants. If you were considering one of those colleges but needed to rely on student loans, which if you don’t then this analysis is useless

I say take it. He favors states rights which right now sounds really, really good.

So, what’s the Democrats’ play here? Filibuster this guy who’s awful but basically a net-zero change on the SCOTUS we had before Scalia’s death, and triple dog dare McConnell to go nuclear.. or save dying on this particular hill in case we lose one of the liberals, when he could still go nuclear anyway?

I know I can’t believe he got someone who knows what they’re actually doing.

Jalopnik needs to stop posting this garbage noise on its feed. We get it - Terrell is pessimistic about all things Trump. We get enough of the political bullshit from Jalopnik’s own contributors.

It’s infecting everything and it’s saddening. It’s madlibs media now. Trump’s ______ is going to_____ and it’s the end of ____.

We could border the safe zones with red lines. If Assad crossed those red lines, he’d be sorry.

What if, and I’m just spitballing here, what if we tried to set up a US-styled democracy so that we can have another reasonable ally/foothold in the Middle East?

For the painted one, I say just go to town with some lacquer thinner or mineral spirits. I bet it will come right off all the metal. Then maybe throw a quick and lazy coat of wax on it. Job done.