
“Priced to keep,” as my friend often says.

The fan is hitting the radiator too. Plus no shroud, so I assume it overheats.

Why buy the real thing when you can get this hack job for twice the price!?!

97 Maxima with dove spoiler and blacked out windows?

Hey Sparky,

Thanks for saving me the typing. CP.

for that price you can get an immaculate E36 M3 that has the pedigree not a frankenstein build

Lost me at oil leak, bad headliner, clutch chatter, etc. At 14K, I want perfection. CP

Another case of wife tells him to sell the money pit, he puts it on CL with a ridiculous price, 6 months later when he still has it he just shrugs and says he tried to sell it.

chicago - 02 for 2016, will be 03 shortly

that’s what I uber in - 04 Town Car. $5K and paid for itself in 3 months of part time driving. Been nearly pure profit car for the last 18 months with nothing but routine maintenance - and great passenger ratings. Driving a car that depreciates is fools work on Uber - driving one already fully depreciated is the

One thing worth noting is that cars from before 2007 will likely not be eligible in most cities for Uber... The only places you can consistently get away with a 2007 or older car are places like LA or SF, where the demand is high and the requirements are low. Most places require newer cars.

Speaking of Honda, I still like the story where they took apart a GM engine back in the 70s and made it run better to show them what was possible.

I am going to do this the right way. I choose a Mercedes Benz E Class Diesel. The reason is something that should be accounted and is not in the list, MPG. You see, a Uber driver will need a car that is fun and fuel efficient enough to make a profit. I mean, that is the reason why so many taxi drivers in Europe choose

Alternately, a good way to *get them* pissed off “You spent HOW MUCH?!?”

By chance Torch missed this one completely. The ominously named Ford Final Days.

Why did they stop the Kia Kwazy Kwanzaa Rallye?

Mercedes or Lexus as a Christmas gift: For when you’ve really pissed off your spouse.