No. Hand over heart is required for the national anthem. U.S. code title 36 chapter 10 section 171. And I never said women had to remove hats and neither does it.
No. Hand over heart is required for the national anthem. U.S. code title 36 chapter 10 section 171. And I never said women had to remove hats and neither does it.
Aww you poor oppressed thing :, (
No its not. The flag is created by the government so they can dictate how it is to be respected. Praying is a religous thing between you and god their not the same.
No it’s just alot people have died defending your freedom and that flag. Putting your hand over your heart during the national athem is LITERALLY the least you could do to show respect for that.
Ok...... to piss of the 2 dozen people who compained about stupid shit? Master fucking troll right here. Love the reporting style, take crazy compaints from a dozen fans and use them to generalize all NASCAR fans. Brilliant!
What creates the good noise you speak of? The windshield wipers, A/C kompressor, or horn? I am a humble peaseant without knowledge of such exquisite motor carriages.
As a personal injury lawyer, no comment. For now.
It’s a joke, I guess you could call it intentionally stupid since that’s kind of how humor works.
Reminds me of this terminal lance comic
For starters on why we’re assuming it’s inaccurate because as Step stated in the article we don’t even know if the people answering were female. Plus the sample is from people following a trucking company on tweeter, so they probably have intrest in the field just to see the survey. As I said the other day. I need to…
He’s wrong, that’s not what the good semaritian law means. It means if you try to help someone and make things worse your not liable. One example is doing CPR on someone who is unconscious, but doesn’t need it.
On a serious note you should definitely call 911 still. It’s called the bystander effect, were no one will do anything in an emergency because everyone thinks someone else will. In one study they had a guy fake seizure in a crowd and no one did anything, but people would help if no one was around.
Think they just limit the power so and can’t crush an arm. Their is probably a variable resistor they can program to limit it, thus the software update.
I don’t think so. I’ve never heard that and I’m a straight white male, the oppessor of ALL!
Can I drive one of the 50 cars between Hamilton and the field?
There should be an option for a gas hearse. So that it would catch on fire and you could go out in a viking funeral pyre made of an exotic italian car.
Basically if ride hailing is becoming more popular and their driving more miles than naturally there will be more accidents. For example if you drive 10,000 miles one year and get into 3 wrecks then the next year you drive 20,000 and get into 5 your actually getting into less wrecks per x miles driven.
This reminded me I need to write my AP stats teacher a thank you note. It was by far the most underestimated class in terms of real world use.
Their entire country is also the size of my bathroom.
True the 55 mph is the most fuel efficient is a myth. The most fuel efficient speed is the lowest speed in the highest gear (approx). So it varies forevery vehicle and I’m sure the most efficient speed for most vehicles is over 55.