
The bulky torso and long legs looks like a big flaw for a security droid, very high center of mass. I don’t think the telescoping legs would help much with lateral stability, but would be useful for working on spacecraft.

I really hope they send it back for warranty work.

Can’t rember the name, but it’s a reconized effect. We studied it in statistics, with both 3rd brake lights and ABS after a few years the number of accidents went back up because people became complacent with the systems.

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Why not an electric generating bicycle to help charge the car?

Now I feel bad because I literally loled at your comment. Can’t blame you thought, I probably would’ve done the same thing if I had the money when they first came out.

The internet needs more white knights like you :)

I can never get the damn liquor in my mouth. I always spill it down my shirt!

I think it’s kind of crazy how high the standards for luxuruy in cars is now. If you look at an optioned Integra it looks like a modern day stripper model. Now people Alcantara, Nav, and soft touch materials (cringe) to be considered nice.

Ugh... why can’t I edit from my phone? My typos are killing me.

The get educated part is the most important. I used to have the same “i hate” mentality about computer, but I learned that their to important, complicated, and necessary to be ignorant about. So when my 3 year old laptop that I’ve taken overseas with me, started getting screwy I got myself somewhat learnt and you know

I was in walmart a few weeks ago and someone brought their dog in the store, not a service dog. It took a giant liquid shit down an aisle. Wal-mart should be the last place to let customers bring pets.

WW3 confirmed!

Alcantara interiors will countinue until the U.S. govt gives into Ed Harris’ demands.


If its a long way off from seeing production. The hype will gradually die. If they wait til they have one made, they can build just as much hype closer to the production date.

Thanked them, but didn’t even take them out of the grays? Fucked up. >_>

I think he’s over exaggerating the solar panels at the moment. I think it’s just a way too get more money from the people who already have Teslas, right now at least.

Did you? I never said the Ferrari was Bueller’s dad’s.

Because Fuck Ferris Bueller. He’s a rich teenage prick whose never had a problem.