
Call me in 2 years when we celebrate the Motorola Rizr Z3. Damn, I loved that phone so much.

Kim’s Convenience is great. I have no idea how his sitcom work will translate to the MCU, but I’m certainly a fan.

I just need to know he’s ok after everything that has happened!

You know, it may come off as a shit thing to say, but he’s absolutely right.

A member of my close knit RDO discord does some amazing stuff as well. I still don’t know how these folks do such great photo work.

For me, it's a fine line. I am a big gamer, have been for decades. My kids are also big gamers. However, my gaming systems are not babysitters. I don't allow my kids to sit in front of the TV to keep them quiet or to be left alone. It's a fun, indoor activity. Just as with everything else in life, it's about

This is probably the most important take away from all of this.

Just edited that way. I don't think we're seeing any elves here

Dude, forget the boss (I assume it’s the wraith), just wonder about close by and kill stuff. You’ll get the hang of it and get some loot that’ll help. W3 is HUGE and you should never stick to just the main storyline quests.

Great synopsis and out of the gray it goes.

I don’t care how many proud boys or other assholes scream on Reddit or Twitter, this looks great and I can’t wait to see how they handle all the drama these characters go through.

I assume you're being sarcastic, but I think it looks great in action. A production photo leak is nothing compared to how it looks through the directors lens.

This teaser was for the fans. They'll release something more plot heavy after SDCC. Almost a guarantee.

Pretty sure that is a purchased costume, but even if so, we should always talk about Ruby Rhod.

I'm wondering how they could possibly have Kamala with an established Carol. I mean, I want to see Kamala outside of the pages and Lego games, but not sure I trust Square to do her right.

Yes, it's because of Bowser, and that's alright.

Totally agree. I thought about downloading again for the horde challenge, because that was the one thing I loved about the game before I got super guns, but it wasn't enough to make me forget the nonsense.

I can't even bring myself to try it. The bike mechanics were awful, and not in a "practice makes perfect" or "upgrade for control" way. Just rubbish. 

When that happens, we can all have a good laugh about how you cry for your mommy after you finish.