
I feel like they’ll never do this because it will be too easy to earn serious money, then no one will buy gold. Like you, I would have a big posse and be playing every possible moment. And I'd be rolling in cash, even at the current shit payouts.

I mean, sure, you can stasis boulders at enemies, or knock them off ledges with metal boxes, but is that really the draw? That you can use select items in the environment for weapons? I found that sort of thing far more cumbersome than just using weapons.

Dead alive was only 1000? Man, I really thought it would be higher on the list. It sure seemed like a lot more.

Related: how does Offspring have so many assholes out of the grays? This is getting fucking ridiculous.

I know this will probably be unpopular, but here are my thoughts.

Im sorry you had to go through that. Your father was my older brother. Even without nefarious or sexual basis, this sort of behavior is scaring.

I agree Evan, but it is also case by case. My son played long before he could read, but now that he can read, he has the controller coordination to play on par with maybe an 8 yo. He showed the drive and interest younger, so I steered him. 

No shame. I've let my son play Fc5 and RDR2, steering him from the violence, of course. My son was super obsessed with fishing in Fc5. RDR2 I hijacked a train and he drove that thing for about 30 minutes straight.

Tip o' the hat to a fellow old codger. My history is very similar.

I introduced my 6 yo to Mario Party at 2. He became obsessed with the Lego games at 3 (of course). At 4, he saw me playing Diablo 3 and was mesmerized. I was concerned about the graphics and demon shit, but after he kept bugging me to not just watch, but PLAY, I gave in.

I love your posts Gita and believe that your voice is needed, not just on Kotaku, but the internet at large. Diversity scares a lot of people. Keep doing what you do, please!

Nailed it, I'm betting.

I love you.

I'm clutching my pearls at the idea that Google is tracking how many times my kids say "Hey Google, play Queen" or "Hey Google, say 'butt'". 

I totally agree and loved that about how Fringe did it.

Yeah, sleeping hacks never worked unless I got lucky. What *did* work was putting baby in the car and driving for 3 hours. I did this a couple of times a week for the first 6 months or so. And I would NEVER suggest it to anyone, regardless how well it worked.

I doubt they will. The bolt is pretty well balanced.

I'd sign your guestbook.

Frames were awful and you're a monster for even bringing it up.

Is that an offer of marriage? I'd love to!