Without a doubt this.
Without a doubt this.
Another plus to using Liquid Metal would be the exclusivity that Apple has over it. If Apple does not want knockoff dock connectors, and forces "Certified for iPhone" to have to buy the connector from them it is a Win-Win scenario.
Also we just keep coming up with new BS statistics, and things to compete with. Soon we will be counting a world record for the fewest strides to complete a 400m sprint. Come on.... we are obsessed with sensationalizing everything because we are in an ever growing quest to satisfy our entertainment glut.
Admitting what you have done. Confessing guilt when you have the right to a trial is the worst possible thing you can do for yourself.
I am in the military. And the military does kill people. I have watched us kill people. Sometimes these symbols are also a reminder to those who serve, that we are in-fact killing other human beings, and we should never forget that they are still Human Beings.
Uh... Moller M400 Skycar???? Anybody???
I was always kind of a fan if IROC, I like the idea of everybody racing the same car, and just going out there with their own skill to win.
Sorry author. Original RCA Victor logo, still looks great, and captures that perfect vintage look.
Furthest ACTIVE one in the US, they used to operate one in El Dorado, TX
What I did notice that is new, it that it has LAN and WAN jacks now, so the Airport Express can now handle the routing for a wired network.
The Airport Express WILL NOT support any type of external storage.
No. WIll not work with Airport Express. Trust me I have 6 of them in my house. It only possible with Airport Extreme or Time Capsule
Enough! Send it to Houston... Texans know how to take care of things.
At lease those Explorers will stand out like a sore thumb!
With the recent death of Robin Gibb, this should skyrocket in value.
They were just too damn expensive at the time.
...so I work for the Air Force, and we keep one of these around. Maybe more expensive, but a degausser is a pretty effective killing machine.
That's exactly what I was thinking
Maybe it was also good practice for the Coast Guard fire fighters. Things like this make for the closest to real world scenarios.