Why it’s even necessary to explain all this stuff about The Last Jedi anyway
I binge watched the entire season so far this past weekend with my wife, and I freaking loved every minute of it- so many twists and turns that neither I nor she saw coming really made for some quality entertainment.
I hate to join the crowd, because I normally enjoy your writing and share your point of view, but everything you say about STD (yes, I’m still using that) is based solely on “This isn’t the Star Trek I wanted.” Even the knowledge now that Lorca never represented the Federation ideals because he was never really part…
Seriously. She’s devolved into barely coherent ranting. Please io9, get someone else to do these things next season.
Considering the good guys’ objective was to escape an unsubtle, messy universe, I’m fine with how things turned out. More than fine, really—this episode was a pulse-thumping powerhouse of badassery, and I couldn’t be more pleased we get more Michelle Yeoh (even if it probably won’t be a lot more).
I’m not saying that io9 should sugarcoat it’s coverage but maybe having someone who KINDA likes the show doing the write ups would be better....
Netflix Knows what you’ve been watching.
I want to make clear that I’m not throwing shade at TLJ, but....
As long as I can get the voice of my self-driving car to sound like Short Round from Indiana Jones, I’m willing to wait.
Maybe they didn’t want to give Nolan two spots, but Inception (2010!) seems like a big oversight...
Up until I read the end, I was like.... “Um, Batman & Robin were already on ‘Scooby Doo, Where Are You?’ back in the 70s.”. Because I’m old.
Ewan McGregor was pretty damn great as Obi-Wan and I’d love to see him under better direction and with a better script.
more The Fall > more The X-Files
I have a hard time taking the phrase “The Force Awakens is even worse than the prequels” seriously because just on a technical level - no. No, not remotely. Forget the content - just on a structural, thematic, and cinemagraphic basis the prequels are appallingly shot. So many staid camera set-ups, so much leaden…
It’s pretty clear this entire trilogy was sketched out before they began. Abrams might have worked with a different tone than Johnson, but his story was meant to set up the next one, and so on. Disney did not just have a blank slate for the next two directors to write on.
Yes, Lando shouldn’t have be DJ’s character. But he shoulda/coulda been the first Master Codebreaker.
I hate everything that other people like too. Other people are just the worst. As soon as I hear other people like something, I know I’m going to hate it.