It wasn’t a hard reset of the continuity. It was just a sequel where Starbuck gets naked.
It wasn’t a hard reset of the continuity. It was just a sequel where Starbuck gets naked.
Reeve’s did it, and Routh did a great job as Reeve’s Superman, so I think he could pull it off
So 2 of the 5 examples were caused by trying to switch from imperial to metric. Doesn’t seem like a great argument to switch.
Why can’t Logan and Deadpool take place in timeline B? Nothing in the article contradicts this, so I’m just wondering if there’s some evidence that they’re in a different timeline
Wow. Yeah I fly Jetblue out of Long Beach whenever possible. It’s so much better that flying out of LAX and the Jetblue service there is always pretty good. But your story takes the cake!
Who among us hasn’t forgotten we were in a Spider-Man film, frankly?
I was part of the beta test and it works amazingly well even with variable and slow internet speeds. It was about the same as how netflix works. If the stream gets slow, it compensates by slightly lowering the resolution temporarily, but it still looked good enough to see everything that was happening in the game. It…
NO! It was the eye level thing! I’m 100% sure of it!
I’m confused about the headline. What exactly is cryptic about this?
Any headphone jack?
couldn’t he have used the time stone to go back and grab a Natasha from a year or two ago and bring her forward (similar to how Gamora was brought back)? I don’t think it would’ve been morally right, but theoretically...
“It”? You act like there’s only one lol
I think it has to be 2 years for the characters, not the show itself. So i doubt they could do a Defenders series anytime soon.
Being in a similar industry, I bet this is 100% what they want to say, but they HAVE to hold their tongues if the FX house they work at wants to continue doing business.
It just occurred to me, but how will Agents of Shield avoid what happens in this movie? There’s 5 years where half of the population is just gone. I wonder if Shield will jump 5 years as well.
Yeah, i don’t understand this at all. He’s been beardless many times
Or what if they stopped Skynet, but AI eventually still becomes self aware in another form. Although I don’t know how Arnold’s character would exist if that happened.
Thank you! I totally agree about the section 31 stuff. How does what’s happening in the latest episode say ANYTHING about the organization? We have Tyler who’s a new and reluctant member of Section31, Georgiou who is from another universe and was using Section 31 as much as they were using her, and Leland/control who…
The directing, acting, music, are all fantastic, but the explanation and ending were so dumb that it ruined the movie for me. The explanation made no sense, the twist was obvious and pretty unimportant- other than letting us know the tethered were a product of their nonsensical environment.
I really wish they left the…
Honestly, the points you brought up, plus the million other plot holes in this movie kind of killed it for me. I didn’t like the movie. I liked the first half, but the more they explained what was going on, the worse the movie got.