
+1 interwebs

If by "stupid" you mean "awesome in so many ways", I totally agree with you!


I do toy packaging for a living and yes, almost all of the packaging at Toy Fair is mock up packaging. Also Fearing is probably right that Vader is likely from a smaller figure line. They don't usually use completely different packaging types for the same assortment (Luke's is a Window Box while Vader's is a Blister

I'm going to E3. I'll save all my swag and send it to you for 600$ (for shipping and handling of course) :D

God, I hope it was based on Underdog Lady...That would be amazing

I think the problem in your discussion is that the word "hitting" on someone was used. You can talk to a woman at a coffee shop without hitting on her, bothering her, or offending her. Just say Hi or ask her opinion on something - you don't invade her personal space, you don't be creepy or pushy, it's just a simple

Dude, totally didn't notice that the first time I watched it, but that is serrrriously trippy...


That was amazingly well put

i used to have that game. Even came with a physical map and a wish stone lol.

I thought your comment was serious and I was thinking "what an idiot", but then I saw your comment in another thread saying "I wish the baby jesus would use voodoo magic to make the words redefined, reinvented and reimagined disappear from the apple peoples' vernacular."

At least they got Gollum right.

And i've had lower back pain. I'm as good as dead...

wow, you're just full of cheer and optimism

Clementine is black? (Honest question)

Has anyone played this? Is it worth the purchase?

I imagine they'll be futuristic.

it was a reference to him, but that wasn't actually his voice. Loved listening to him on Howard Stern this week though

The answer to that was in one of the morning spoilers articles on here a couple days ago i think.