
Dude, it's not the CGI that made Beast Wars great, it was the storyline. The third season twist where they find the original Ark and have to defend it so the timeline isn't destroyed, Dinobot changing sides and feeling torn by his sense of loyalty and honor and then dying, finding out the discs that Megatron stole

Ninja Turtles hasn't been cancelled, just pushed back to a summer release instead of Christmas release.

A friend of mine just saw a pre-screening of this...he didn't like it. I don't know that much about his taste in movies, so i don't know if I trust his opinion...plus he's a bit of a stoner.

I'd like to know too. He mentions a couple things that make me think this was done a while ago...

Sounds a lot like the setup for Odyssey 5 - which was actually a really cool show.

I like that if you scan the QR codes in the trailer, you get different advertisements from the movie, including the uncut burger commercial at the beginning of the trailer (just change the "code020" to other numbers to see the rest):

I really wish that since they were making a CG movie, they would have just used that as an opportunity to provide an ending for the old CG show...I'm sure they could have found a way to make it finish off the old series and also work as a stand alone movie for new viewers as well (like Serenity did for Firefly).

lol, I was thinking the same thing

I really hope they have more Fauxlivia...she's so much hotter than Olive

WOOHHOOO!!! This just made my week! :)

I do something similar to DirtyShisno - if I ever have to enter my info, I usually use the site's name instead of my name. That way I can see what companies are selling my info when I get a spam email saying something along the lines of "hello Mr. Gizmodo"

No Bebop and Rocksteady, but there's a bunch of other mutant bad guys (some new, some old).

I agree with Burke and thought Thor was actually better than Captain America, but both were really well done.

It's actually a function of the browser, not the operating system. So it is kind of surprising that this wasn't done before. Kudos to Google for doing this - Although it would be cool of them to do this not just for Gmail, but any online mail service you use. Definitely a step in the right direction though.

Just to clear up confusion, I just bought one of these and it clearly says on the bottom of the box "5GB for content, of which 1GB is reserved for NOOK store content". So it's not the 1.5GB that this article reports.

He's been playing John Diggle for years though. It was the natural choice.

Yep. In the original version, Greedo shot himself. But Lucas botched the editing and it confused viewers. So in the revised version, Greedo doesn't "accidentally" miss Han - he's actually committing "Suicide by Solo".

uhhh, i don't know if you're being sarcastic, but the Glacier = MyTouch4G...so we're f*cked too buddy.

Google+ is using this opportunity to massage the taint (-ed image it has)

Is this a new show on adult swim?