
You're crazy! Chupa Chups are fantastic!

Yeah, it's totally the style of the show. I think they wanted a simplistic approach - sort of an antithesis to the Michael Bay movies. I didn't like the style at first, but watching the episodes, it kinda grows on you. That clip looks great

Really awesome to hear him talking about it! Thanks for posting that palebluedot!

Yeah, i live right on the beach here in California and I went out and saw this last week. I felt like i was a little school kid running around curious at all the things you could do. For example, it soaks into the sand, so if you jump the whole ground lights up when you land. Or if you pick up a clump of sand and

I'm with you my friend! The times we live in are amazing, technology-wise. I'm a child of the 80's and just to see how far we've come in my lifetime so far is astounding. I mean with smart phones, we all basically have tiny laptops plus navigation systems, plus portable gaming console, plus a million other things - in

agreed! I was a huge fan of the old skool godzilla movies and this pays enough homage to those but updates the concept! Love it!

uummmmm...i'm sorry, what is this article referring to?? Were there rumors or something that apple was hacked??

Is that Echo from Lost?? Awesome if it is!!!

I heard about the "Miracle Fruit" tasting party from Neil Strauss - the author of "The Game". Sounded interesting and this article resparked my interest in trying it.

I'm pretty sure that one of the big things DC was pushing with the relaunch was that all of the comics would now be available digitally through them the same day the print versions came out...although i could be wrong...I don't keep up with the comics world much anymore...and i don't care enough to research this.

Yeah, I'm pretty sure I've heard they're filming both simultaneously...

The script wasn't actually missing any pages, but I can understand why he thinks that...

Article FAIL

Why is this post categorized as "The Dark Night Rises" instead of "Morning Spoilers"?


ummm what kind of cartridges does a Scanner need??

Totally agree. As far as real theatrical movie posters, this one would be the best of the bunch.

i just gave you a standing ovation...in my office. That comment was full of win.

nice, i've always wondered about the process behind those amazing time lapse videos.

THAT my friend, was the best Good Morning I could ask for!