Because in popular culture they are most readily associated with Email scammers and tribal bandits like Boko Haram.
Because in popular culture they are most readily associated with Email scammers and tribal bandits like Boko Haram.
Unbunch your panties sir.
Well I’ll be damned.
Am I the only one surprised Nigeria has fighter jets?
Datsun: What is Dead May Never Die.
Seriously how IS takata still in business? Is it only because they are so large if they shut their doors there is nobody to backfill the production?
If toyota would sell the first one it would be a fantastic hoonmobile.
That would mean buying.......a Dodge. No thanks.
Are these going to be street legal? From my understanding they had a hard time getting the hellcats to pass emissions.
Does Canada have a mechanics lien system to where they can just sell it after awhile?
I had a friend who was a sherriffs deputy and told us why they do it. Some patrol cars are tied to trackers to how much time they are running so if they are supposed to be patrolling but the car is turned off, that looks bad.
Not just that, but often times the offense will get riled up and retaliate and offset the penalty. So there really is no downside for the defense to do this shit.
Came here to see this photo. +1
When are they finally going to ditch the antique and fragile 2.5 in the STI?
Vegas are only worth more then 5k if they have a V8 Swap done.
That IG account is both incredibly awesome and sad at the same time.
Except the norm in that position is the government siezes the assests and auctions them off.
“Usually though, rather than give the judgment creditor the property though, the court orders a sheriff to levy and sell the property and for the proceeds to go to the creditor.”