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Good Song. I also REALLY REALLY like Stevie Ray Vaughans version as well (may like it better in fact)

Given the inspirations, if this does make it to production, Nissan had damn sight better enter this thing in Dakar and or Baja.

The door window frames are disgusting.

2,600 bucks for something that looks mechanically solid with a V-8 and a four speed? Thats Auto NP all day long.

Don’t Forget about Erik Walden who yanked off Delanie Walker’s helmet then headbutted him......while still wearing HIS helmet.

This whole article is bugging me. They and the community are using the Term ping entirely wrong.

As a SysAdmin who does Networking the usage of the word Ping in this article makes me cringe. The numbers everyone is referring to is LATENCY. PING is simply the function to find out out. The CORRECT terminology is “My latency has lowered from 120ms to 25ms” NOT “My ping has gone from 120 to 25”.

How much longer before the bubble bursts?

I was introduced to this song by Fallout: New Vegas. It fit the game extremely well, and is a kickass song all around. Marty Robbins is kickass period.

Fuck off liberal hippy


NOPE. GTS-T Had the RB20DET. RB25DET wasn’t available until the R33 Model.

Again. Glass and polymer technology has come a long way since the 60s

Okay so I know my Zoom Settings haven’t changed but is everything on Jalopnik much larger now? I feel like I am sitting at an old persons PC with 800x600 resolution.

Pretty sure glass and plastic polymer technology has come a long way since the 60’s

Oh Honda offroad.......when Pilot and Odyssey meant COMPLETELY different things.

I have an 2007 reg. cab shortbed. I love it.

Apparently I am not a softy.

Not trolling. 100% serious. If you knowingly endanger yourself by doing something illegal and dangerous, why would I feel bad about you getting injured? Doesn’t matter if they are 15 or 35.