
I may get some hate for this, but I feel the nose on the AMG GT is TOO long. Looks out of proportion compared to the cockpit and trunk. If there was about 3-5” less between the wheelwell and the fender vent it would be perfect.

I never understood why they killed the Integra/RSX line. They sold well.

They need to make a high end version of the new Si and Type R

Definitely. Quick heads up to the service adviser would have been perfect , but shit happens and sometimes your so focused on the task at hand you don’t think about things like that. So I understood why it happened.

I was totally fine with what he was doing and very appreciative that he took the time to once I found out that he was doing so. I didn’t totally flip out on the advisor but I did ask where my truck was with a tone in my voice after 45 minutes of it should be out front in a minute. I did tell him thanks afterwards. I

Zanardi is such a badass.

Bought a used 2007 Tundra. 29 Days after I bought it I was driving home in the rain my dashboard went nuts. ABS LIGHT, 4hi/4lo lights, traction control, etc everything but CEL was blinking and going nuts but the truck was driving just fine. Called the dealer I purchased it from the next state over (it is a Single cab

mmmmm datsun.

There is a guy in my neighborhood with one of these things. Just as friggin ugly in person. Barf.

That may be true. But that is also because lets face it, Kimi’s Personality and antics make it much easier to write articles about. But that doesn’t mean he is an overrated world champion as if there is such a thing.

is that him going through chemo???

The Mike Harmon/ Jennifer Jo Cobb saga.

Thats why Don Garlits moved the engine behind the driver on his dragster YEARS ego. Clutch exploded and took part of his foot off. They do it in sand drag racing so why not here.

Those were cool. These always cracked me up. Itty bitty with giant tires and a giant V8. If you look closely you can see how close the footpedals are to the exposed driveshaft. because safety.

Now playing

3,000 ft/lbs of torque at 250RPM. LolWTFBBQ

I grew up in the country and attneding the tractor pulls at this place because the family volunteered there. My favorites were always the guys running the turbine engines shooting columns of fire.

Well there is also this one going on now that is not that far away. Its not as nice but still quite a lot of Traction Engines.

There are lots of regional ones here in the US. I used to volunteer with my family at a decent sized one when I was a kid.