Those flares and front airdam....
Those flares and front airdam....
I work in the manufacturing industry (disclaimer I work in IT for the company but not on the floor itself) and this is 100% true. Our plant manager is on the floor alot more then once a week.
I see the PC Master Race elitists are out in full force.
I never got why they are so picky about stuff like this. The stuff is going to get melted down anyway and any contaminants should get burnt off in the process. Hell my city wont accept pizza boxes in the recycling bins. All that cardboard to waste.....
My 280z needs a new starter. But it is summer in texas and my garage is hot as hell. It will have to wait until it cools off a bit.
I totally get that. But these are still Manufactuer produced offerings from Mopar & GM. Would Mopar or Ford offer a Powerglide Transmission? I don’t think so.
I totally understand Ford no longer produces them. But I was just curious since I figured the manufacturers would not want to lend credence that a competitor made a better design then they did.
Yeah I do. The blinker fluid needs to be replaced every other oil change, the muffler bearings once a year, the alternator needs to be lubed up twice a year and my full synthetic oil only lasts 3,000 miles.
So they are using a 9 inch rear and Chevy used 9 inch rears in their COPO Camaros. I find this odd considering it was designed by Ford. I would figure they would have used a Dana 60 and a GM 14 Bolt respectively. Unless it’s an NHRA Requirment for the class these run in to use a Ford 9 Inch Style rear end?
Thats pretty close. Not surprised given the engines massive size. But that is also only 53 foot pounds of torque per liter. Which also is not surprising given the time frame.
because when those get hit hard enough to damage their aluminum frame the company scraps it. The F-150 has an aluminum body, not an aluminum frame.
As long as the doors shut properly ,don’t leak and it passes the eye test it doesn’t matter. Body on frame construction.
Because Racecar, thats what.
The Datsun S30s are true Jalop sports cars. Light, cheap and fairly tunable. Oh and dead sexy too.
They could easily do this if Renault is serious about bringing alpine back. The nissan could be the basic lower model, and the alpine the more aggressive one.
True. I found a fairly solid 280z since I have moved to Texas. Some minor surface rust but no bubbling or cancer to be found. Plus it already had an L28ET swap. I was quite happy.
Yeah they rusted to hell in the northeast/midwest.