
The C6Rs were nuts. You could hear them way before you could see them.

Or maybe your a bit of a pansy?

Whoops. So used to seeing more stuff about LeMons then LeMans I typoe’d. My bad.

My girlfriend says this is me in about 50 years. I don’t disagree. And don’t care.

Why am I a grumpy sonofabitch? Because that’s who I am. As a not so old person who has seen more then his share of life and has plenty of gray hair to prove it let me in on my little secret of life that helps me get by:


Actually no I am not. OP originally posted the MXR-01.

Dude originally posted this picture. Which people do all the time because all they look at is the paint scheme and are too stupid to tell the difference. It is a pet peeve of mine. Obviously he edited it and changed the picture.

He changed the photo. It WAS the MXR-01.

I remember getting so excited watching them during open practice when I went to the inaugural Baltimore Grand Prix. They sounded amazing and looked bad ass. But apparently one was DOA before race start and the other one broke down early in the race. I was a sad panda.

Makes you wonder what the hell the aero guys were doing when they designed the car.

Two things:

Jaguars foray into GT2 with a XKR in AMLS. Sexy car, sexy livery SUPER sexy sound but unreliable and slow.

Wait for a Push Pull or Drag sale with a decent trade in allowance I got rid of a S10 with decent front end damage this way. Trade in allowance was $3000. I bought it for $4000 3 years and 50,000 miles earlier.

Oui Oui.

Yeah I know these guys average around 60-70mph but figured they were probably not as balls out with the random ass car in the middle of the track and dudes everywhere.

Did you try any of the deodorants only? They do make a few varities which are not anti-perspirants which I what I got because I don’t want aluminum in my armpits. For health reasons as well as shirt stain reasons.

Did you try any of the deodorants only? They do make a few varities which are not anti-perspirants which I what I

First thing I have found that doesn’t cause some sort of irritation for me. Which is awesome.

First thing I have found that doesn’t cause some sort of irritation for me. Which is awesome.

Not sure. My pits don’t sweat that badly just stink. And I will not use anything that has aluminum in it /is designed as an anti-perspirant . That stuff freaks me out.

Not sure. My pits don’t sweat that badly just stink. And I will not use anything that has aluminum in it /is

I didn’t see the gel kind. Would like to try as long as its the aluminum free deodordant only. Aluminum in deodorant freaks me out.

I didn’t see the gel kind. Would like to try as long as its the aluminum free deodordant only. Aluminum in deodorant