
These horrible horrible things. My GF had one when we met and it was such a huge piece of shit. Reaffirmed my intense hatred of Mopar.

I think both look like hideous blobs. Especially the front ends. The front ends are downright horrible.

I’ve always wanted a RWD predlude with a s2000 drivetrain.........but this is whack.

I love Amber Heard

The video doesnt show anything beside windshield wipers and some thunder.

They also stuck an all aluminim Rover V8 in it from 1973-1976

Toyota 2000 GT. Not the fastest or most powerful sports car of its time. But the first Japanese sports car to be taken seriously. Also IMHO the most beautiful design ever (sorry e type).

Yeah I hear you. But from my experience Massholes are terrible drivers which is why the #1 rank does not equate.

Did they exclude Camden?

Yet this recent study shows that Massachuset’s is #1 in traffic safety in the country. I somehow think their study is quite flawed.

I am sure hurricans certainly don’t help.

Didn’t work for Nicolas Cage

Those BBS wheels make it look a helluva lot better.

Probably 3.73’s or 4.10s

The 4.0 could still be pretty slow depending on gear ratios and transmission. I had a 2004 with 3.07 gears and a 5 speed. it was slower than shit.

Is that a 4 wide tandem drift?

Things are changing. I wonder if things will start to get better there with an influx of tourism.

It means no Cuban cigars for you my friend.

I thought Jalopnik didn’t do review embargoes?