Justin Rasmussen

I'm having trouble imagining her owning a leopard print bra. Especially one that looks like the kind of thing I would have purchased when I was 17 because "it's sexy, right?".

I'm fairly certain it's legal everywhere in Canada for a woman to be topless in any public space. Basically, if a man can be topless there, so can a woman. It's just too cold here to exercise this freedom.

People are so stupid around breasts.

Sad thing is they made 3.8 billion last quarter and that was all profit.

AT&T: We Can't Keep Subsidizing Your Phones...

I love that you did this test, but I wold hope that anyone who reads Jalopnik would already know that the Fuelshark (and all other bullshit items like this) are all bullshit! They're all the "snakeoil of the modern world of automobiles.

For that price they could have at least put a "cow magnet" in it!

Maybe not the worst, but one of the funniest

They should call this show "Desperate Inventors and the Chamber of Dickheads".

Um, insurance?

Me too. Farting just isn't the same without those 10% better graphics.

So this hasn't been announced for next gen yet? I'd really prefer to play this on next-gen.

$200 million for an awesome adaptation of an incredible game with a huge fan base? No way!

Point to this whenever someone tells you that space exploration is wasteful and yields no practical knowledge.

Can we please have a LEGO Simpsons The Video Game?

The sad part is: it would probably be the best Simpsons game since that 90s Simpsons arcade game.

Speaking about the RAGE I feel about not having my blades and my no ads back, did anyone else think the game sucked?

"Phenomenal, cosmic power, itty bitty living space."

Yet another egregious example of politics inserting itself between a woman and her doctors.

Google Ghost Ship. Haunting a port near you.

Probably. Got to say though I liked the campaign from ODST the best out of them all.