Justin Rasmussen

Why didn't I hear about this before I traded in my 3DSXL for the New3DS?

If I am doing this via the PC transfer. Do I ever need both DS units in the same place? Since a 3DS-XL is worth about $125 on eBay. I'm going to skip the headache of eBay, Paypal and shipping. and take advantage of GameStop's $100 trade in offer.

Umm, why is this a problem when $40 for a WoW expansion isn't?

I still think that "cartridges" may come back. More as chips/cards. Obviously we have shown already that the internet provides a great capacity to stream content. But because fast and reliable connections are only available in and around major cities, and outages still occur. Meaning physical media is still necessary.

I just hope they release a compatible circle pad pro. It does make the 3DS XL even bigger, but a lot more comfortable to hold for extended sessions.

I enjoyed the game when it launched. I just stopped playing after a while. I did really enjoy the story arc.

I've been planing to do this with my kids for a long time.

Flip the auction house :) I think my whole server hated me for about a year when I constantly bought every fabric available and then resold it all for more gold. Great way to get reasonably WoW gold rich to make a cheap item stack worth 10x as much.

Haven't read much about walmarts business practices apparently

That was my thought as well

SWEET. I spent so much time playing the tie fighter vs wing version. Such a great game

I'm fine with scary movies, but I can't play horror games.

$10 upgrade from last gen program like launch titles and a few others have had?

These all look like iPhone games. What happened to the Vita being a portable HD gaming device?

Never really like rainbow road. Favorite has always been Toad's Turnpike

Sim Theme Park was amazing. I have an old computer in my basement that I got running just to play that game. Never liked the mechanics of roller coaster tycoon.

Pre-ordered at local gamestop, any clue how I am supposed to get my pre-order code

My biggest problem with Destiny has always been how obvious it is that it was supposed to be a Halo universe game. Both the story and the art scream Halo universe.

so can I upgrade from my xbox360 version for $10?

Amazing Spiderman is $15 at target + $8 movie ticket for Amazing Spiderman 2