Justin Rasmussen

G4 ruined TechTV, maybe they should just roll back on that major F-up and give us a good tech channel again

I feel like Japanese customers would be pissed at Sony for this. The company isnt releasing the console in its own country for another 3-6 months?

I hit 135MPH in my 05' Kia Spectra. It was still going faster but I decided that was enough for 2AM on a highway in the middle of Wisconsin, I didn't like the idea of a deer running out when I was going that fast. That an being mildly terrified of getting a $600 speeding ticket

Better idea, maybe we should steal all the money back from the 1%

Still mad that they no longer have the chicken selects, it was nice to be able to get actual chicken strips not the garbage thats in mcnuggets

Well yeah, it isn't a problem if you can afford $800/day...

I would have joined a frat in college if there had been an atheist one

While maybe it is partially due to not really giving a damn about sports (I find it hard to follow a bunch of games when the roster changes yearly, and player are paid obscenely to catch a ball and run down a field)

Super Mario Galaxy/2 were amazing games. I really hope that nintendo continues that series because it was a total blast, and it would be awesome to play an HD version on WiiU

Correct, we get screwed. I get an ok number of days off, but it isnt fantastic either, plus I don't get paid well enough to afford a real vacation when I do take time off anyway, so it is pretty much extra days I can stay home. The no paternity leave thing really blows too. Ive been trying to get my company to give us

I really like these, I tried printing one using gimp with the psd template and it came out way too small. So I guess I will have to try it again later when I have a chance to try it on my macbook with photoshop.

I'm excited to play with the new consoles. I just wish that I wasn't seeing stuff about them daily to remind me how far off they are still...

Sim Theme Park was much better. I finally broke down and set up an old computer to play it since it only runs on Windows ME and earlier or OSX10.4 and earlier

I played the PC version like an addict for all of high school (after it came out)

I played x-wing vs tie fighter for years

Unreal Tournament 2003/4

My reasoning for buying both the systems at launch is that if you do the math it works out to like $5/month per system over the "life" of the console generation. Plus I want the systems, and I am better off buying them before my wife and I start having kids.

Plus this thing was indestructible. Mine got knocked off a table at a family party and landed and bounced a few times on a concrete floor with that super thin carpet they put over concrete. Anyway, system survived without a scratch. Plugged it in and started playing super smash brothers with my cousins again. The one

DK64 was my favorite game for N64 (if not, at least for sure my favorite nintendo game) I would love to see another game made. I can understand the point about not having as strong of a story arc as say a zelda game, but I still thought it was a fantastic game, and would love to see another made.

I can understand where you are going with it. I don't think it is necessary for the game to exist. It would just be nice to have a full HD pokemon game to play. As for playing in bed that is still an option with the wiiu gamepad. I think online battles could make the game a lot of fun too.