That Avengers tune gets it done. Great band!
That Avengers tune gets it done. Great band!
Down A Hole? Sounds like a keeper!
Bad Religion - Los Angeles Is Burning
Did he piss first, then boogie? If so....well done good sir!
Hahaha! Wtf was that all about?
My Brit friend today: Baseball’s fuggin boring mate!
Nirvana - Return of the Rat (Wipers cover)
I’d refuse to sign the balls as well. Tits only!
Pepe Le Pew....
This would’ve really made George Carlin’s day
Yeah this should be kinda fun
Masai Ujiri’s from Nigeria, & this being his first championship & all, was confused. The FANS, not team employees, start wilding & punch cops, sir.
His future Tupac inspired prison stomach tattoo: TUG LIFE
Good question. Ill pay for his PPV fights just to watch him lose & whine about the outcome. He’s a major douche-nozzle, yes, but also more full of shit than an elephant with no asshole.
Is marijuana legal over there? Because Jones, as we used to call it while playing ball in NYC, definitely scored a bag!
Cool. MC5 were awesome!
No shit!
Yeah after that bs stunt I wished for the shredding of every ligament below his waist. Self important douche-nozzle move.
“Mets Fan Accidentally Showers Ryan Braun With Overpriced Beer”
Must be said: Its time for your team to change its name Daniel Snyder. Northern Virginia Redskins just flows off the tongue, no?