Some kids went in a store with their mother
Some kids went in a store with their mother
My oldest brother was left alone on ‘Roots Revenge Day’ in high school bc our last name is Black. I was the only white kid on the same schools b-ball team 12 years later, aka ‘Token.’ I was beloved on that team bc I, technically a shooting guard, was the only player who passed. Ever. Good times!
Les Binks could hit dem skins purdy good pards!
If Ichiro had played for the Yanks, Cards, LAD’s etc, or any winning team, his talents would be respected more. Roberto Clemente had similar issues. Until the ‘71 post-season that is.
He’s correct though. Change the logo and the name. My suggestion: Northern Virginia Redskins
Wootpy-damn-do. Part of a leadoff hitters job is to occasionally take two for the team.
Well you know the old saying: Its better to have corn in your mitt than crabs on your dick.
‘Do You Look At The Keyboard When You Type?’
In the NYC neighborhood I grew up in, if someone called the cops for, say, my team not leaving the b-ball court after a loss? The cops might show up- & billy-club that person for whining & wasting their time.
Big Black - Kerosene
Well, it is 4/20. And a Friday, so....
Never say never. Where’s home? Western US I hope. No WAY do I miss the Vegas show!
Murphy’s Law - Care Bear NYHC!
Are you referring to the so-called ‘flopping’ in soccer? I don’t buy it. Players go down, grab a knee & start rolling around screaming in agony, only to be fine 30 seconds later, will legitimately happen 4-5 times every game.
HR: ‘That was racist.’
👆Good one up there. I like this one too.
100 Watt smile for this one! And the backing band? It simply doesn’t get Eddie Vedder than this.
I think him getting decked would also be good. Just bc the game’s in PR doesn’t give him the right to act like ‘el pendejo.’ Or does it...?
Ditto! I was up to two lighters a day, quit, & now my lung feels great....
Mudvayne - World So Cold