Justin Duke

The only thing Craigslist charges for is some job listings and some apartment listings (specifically in NY), Having that information assembled in a much more useful way ADDS value to craigslist and increases the effectiveness of the money spent by renters and employers. For padmapper to "get it right" is a misnomer,

Somebody ask Craig about the elephant in the room: "How do you feel about the recent move by craigslist to copyright the ad content and eliminate the ability of third party add-ons, like padmapper?"

toilet paper made of...

Are there sonic screwdriver condoms yet? Only way to get it open.

I heard he was a million monkeys typing randomly...

I got me some nice globals....and some relic sabatiers...Knives are Knice.

Disney ended up pulling the nipples off of those pretties so that kids could see them. Poor, Poor horsie girls, how will they feed their babies?

The Oatmeal has clearly demonstrated how this works for hbo: http://theoatmeal.com/comics/game_of_thrones

Does River Song count as a female doctor? ***SPOILERS*** she was before she yielded her lives for The Doctor

Personal thought: the cosplay from a specific film/movie doesn't seem to get old, it's neat to see how people do it. The satire, or joke cosplay however....runs out of funny.

He must be a homosexual: he's ruining traditional marriage.

Hans the hedgehog and bearskin were both featured in storyteller....Go jim Henson.

Nice! I'm going to stay in the wait it out camp...

The one I keep coming back to was in a wired article a year or so ago- [www.wired.com] it's very similar to an IUD for men. It's a foreign substance that freaks out the sperm and makes them all broken and useless. Sounds better than messing with genes/hormones

Agreeing with other comments, but the reporting on science in general is BAD. You're headline says "Proves" your article says "suggests" get some p values in there for golly.

is it a lot? because I agree.

Absolutely. Matter of fact, that last link there is to someone with different melanin levels in her composites, so, yeah, Brindle!

I think it will happen in a third world country, otherwise where will we find two women grinding with a hand mill...(USA may be too much like a camel to go to heaven)

Official name: tetragametic chimerism. As it results from four gametes. Neat stuff, go search for pictures of people with different melanin levels in their composities. Kind of..brindle people. more here: [en.wikipedia.org](genetics)#Tetragametic_chimerism