
It’s probably an error. National Indemnity is the parent company of Geico. They probably just mixed that up with National General, which is Allstate. 

What left wing media? There’s no comparison between the right wing media and left wing media ecosystems and their impacts on their respective audiences. 

It’s really down to price and desirability. What are the form factors that most Americans want? How much are they paying for cars? What kind of financial terms are available. I really think that the big 3 (and not even Stellantis fwiw) are sandbagging this thing.

Yeah they’re uglier than hell, that’s a big reason. A Mercedes has to be sexy; it can’t be some dorkmobile. 

Yeah that’s what I’m talking about - if you’re patient you can win. 

The interior on these looks pretty nice, but that’s a ridiculous price for the car. It’s bizarre that automakers are pricing these the way they are and then seem confused as to why nobody’s buying them.

Yeah I mean it’s totally a cost-of-capital thing. If you can get an interest rate that’s lower than the inflation rate + a conservative rate of return on an investment of the lump sum you’d be required to payoff over the term of the loan, you’re much better off financing. Like in today’s economy, if you’re just saying

Yeah the get in get out mentality is exactly what the dealer relies upon to get you to pay more. If you’re patient, they can’t just run out the clock on you, which is what they’re trying to do. 

It no matter!

The income limit is really dumb though. If the whole point of this is incentivizing the purchase of an electric vehicle, it doesn’t really matter how much you make. Lowering the price is still an incentive. It’s not about need. It’s about the government achieving and objective of putting more electric cars on the

Old Owen Bellend at it again

I disagree. I think the reviewer saying “let your inner granola girl run wild/you’ll stand out at the REI” is just a bullshit backhanded way of looking down his nose at whatever bona fides the car is supposed to lack by othering two groups of people. That’s my interpretation, anyway.

It’s definitely a thing. 


I am not a Subaru driver, a woman, or a lesbian. I’m just think lazy stereotypes are wack and this Owen Bellwood doofus of all people shouldn’t be making them.

Whatever the merits of this car are, the egregious premise of this article is disappointing. Just seems like you had to ram “granola girl” and a barely veiled lesbian reference with the REI thing in there. I’m all for jokes but this is lazy bullshit.

An 11-15 year old Lexus is a ridiculously poor choice. 

I know it gets good reviews, but I didn’t care for the UConnect system in the 2021 Grand Cherokee. I thought it was slow and buried lots of commonly needed things deep inside touchscreen menus.

$17 bucks for a burger and fries at Newark Airport is actually kind of reasonable these days. Obviously, not for whatever shitty burger they serve, but that would be almost cheap in Manhattan.

This thing is dope. For under $5k if you don’t think this thing is worth buying, then you don’t really like cars.