
Yo the Accord and Charger do not look alike at all. That’s crazy to me that anyone would say that. Like get your eyes checked. 

Yeah it looks more like a Dali/Bangle version of a Ford 500

This is not a New Yorker if they’re saying that. 

Yeah 2 bros is basically bowling alley pizza. It’s not really NY pizza

Dollar slice is garbage. 

What’s with all of these wack 70s 3 box Caddys we’ve been seeing lately? 

Yeah we rented a Camaro convertible in Hawaii last year. I loved the way it drove, but I don’t know if I could have lived with it.

I can’t comment on the  new Mustang’s interior, but the interior of the Camaro is truly terrible with some of the worst visibility I’ve ever experienced in a car.

Yeah the repair costs on old daily drivers is truly astounding. Like I have a car from 05 that I got for free in reasonably good condition and it’s a fucking anchor around my neck.

Yeah man - just the catalytic converter going on it... Ugh. 

Yeah I gotta agree. I feel like you’re gonna be replacing like all of the mechanical parts on this thing sooner rather than later, which is going to cost like $10k... I mean, just know you’re essentially paying $20k for this car.

One thing people don’t appreciate is the experience of driving these things. You can’t just accelerate like you would in a normal car. The transmission is so robust that you have to really stomp on the gas to get it to downshift if you ever need to accelerate between say 30-50 mph. Takes getting used to, for sure.

I’m sorry but that car is cool as hell. Who cares how it drives or even looks? I bet those seats are comfortable as fuck, with 40 years of farts in them. 

I’m 3 to 1 with a dash of orange bitters. I think it’s nicely balanced like that. 

Even a generously wet “dry” martini is like 3 to 1. Four of those is like having 12 shots of gin plus like a glass of vermouth. 

$15K for a non-working AC, a leaky door, and 115k hard miles... yeah ok

Oil company execs are famously not douchebags

How is some bozo who bitches about the inconvenience of cross-country trekking an EV always the top comment on these articles? 

Well, the wiring run isn’t a big deal, at least.

Putting in a new breaker panel and upgrading your electrical service shouldn’t cost that much. In the NY metro area, which is one of the most expensive places in the country, I was quoted $3,500 to go from 100 to 200 amps.