
Natural gas extraction is extremely dirty, though. Ever read about methane waste during fracking? And methane is 10x worse for greenhouse than carbon

This is bullshit

I’ve noticed that dark scenes are much harder to make out on HBO Go than on Cable

Well, yeah, but that’s the plan all along. A major part of the story is about Frodo and Sam’s quest to get to Mt. Doom. The battle is all a diversion for that.

Lol what are you talking about? 

There’s a difference between subverting expectations and outsmarting yourself as a writer by making poor choices just for the sake of defying convention.

I think he’s saying that the writing of the show completely undermined the established stakes.

Yeah, why would you open a defensive siege with a cavalry charge against the invading army? They fired exactly one useless trebuchet fusillade before completely abandoning their artillery... The whole battle plan made no sense.

Lol perfect review. This accurately encapsulates how I feel

I mean, Giants could have drafted him in the 4th round... I don’t think taking him six is in any way justifiable, even if he’s a hall of famer.

Why are people hitting three year-old kids??? Like, I’m against all violence, but I can sort of understand physically punishing an older kid, but a toddler??? These people need to be shot into space.

I think she’s sitting on the window sill. 

Don’t forget Kaz Matsui lol. But seriously José Valentin had a great year and so did Paul Lo Duca. Cliff Floyd and Shawn Green were also pretty good.

Well, sir, it appears you have shit for brains is all I can say to that

Also holy shit, the 2006 Mets were stacked:

Yeah. He put up good numbers is ‘12 and ‘13 too... But he did have a pretty scary injury history and had microfracture surgery. I can understand the reasoning. The history of guys coming back and being productive after that, especially back then, was basically non-existent.

Dude, it’s literally 8 years later, and the Mets have gotten exactly one half of a good season out of the guy. Last year he was terrible in the first half and then Cy Young after the All Star break. 

I think the mistake people make with pineapple on pizza is using red sauce. The pineapple is already delivering sweetness and acidity (which is what tomato sauce normally brings). If you’re bound and determined to have sauces on this pizza, something like pineapple habanero would probably work..

You sound like a serial killer

This Jeep blue itself...