
Yeah baby

Man, what are you talking about? Chevy Blazers were shitboxes. You want a body-on-frame piece of shit that nobody in their right mind would buy? The number of people who want rugged fun, can afford a $35k new car, and will buy a Chevy are vanishingly thin. 

The correct, correct way is to form two sticks of butter into the shape of a hamburger patty, and then mold a thin layer of ground beef around it. 

Yeah, I don’t get that! Why did they make her pick a size if it ruled out the other option?

Allison by a mile. Senseless picking Whoppers in the first round when you can pick them in the fifth and deprive opponents of popular candies early on. Although, Cadbury Egg was a wack first round choice as well.

Wow (I guess there aren’t too many Kinja readers born before 1960). Well, still 67 vs 62 is more appropriate than 70 vs 62...

Honestly, I don’t understand the smugness from so many people. I donate, and I think people should donate to a lot of causes, if they’re able to. Why do you assume I haven’t donated to causes you deem more worthy, just because I want to donate to this one?

This is a misleading post - it only talks about the difference between 62 and 70, rather than the full retirement age of ~65. Everything I’ve ever read is that, based on the average life expectancy, it does not pay to delay until 70 as opposed to retiring at 65, if all things are equal.

It’s got love handles

I did both. It’s not either/or ding dong. 

Cool bro

Why not just make the car all grille?

It’s sort of like an hourglass, evoking the sentiment that it’s time to stab your own eyes out. 

Guys, this isn’t real. It’s a publicity stunt. Jesus

I’m annoyed that I just gave that website a click. 

To all the people who are like “they’ve already got rich people donating,” or “the Catholic Church is rich/evil/etc.” or “what about insurance,” it’s not about whether Notre Dame needs your money to rebuild. It’s about whether you want to be part of the people who do something to rebuild it. Is Notre Dame a symbol of

Maybe. I doubt they’re adequately insured for this kind of project. The cost of rebuilding this is probably unknowable, and therefore not contemplated in any kind of insurance limit. A rehab project on a priceless building like this... I wouldn’t be surprised if whatever builders’ risk insurance exists excludes damage

How many buildings have become national symbols? It’s a hard thing to subsume the national culture with an edifice in our post-historical generation. 

I love the ad guys who were just like “this thing will sell if we can get a picture of Ricardo Montalban waxing the hood in a tuxedo on a pier in Lake Mead at sunset with a 5,000 foot tall Chrysler logo statue in the background imposing its will over the lake.”

Yeah man, any of the German Pilsners, i.e.: Radeberger, Bitburger, Krombacher, Warsteiner, etc., are all priced comparably to Carlsberg and are vastly better.