
burning metal

This is how I’ve always washed my hands with liquid soap. I smear the soap all over my hands, wet them, and then work up a lather. It’s so much better.

I wonder if this is part of a strategy for Verizon (who owns Yahoo and AOL as Oath) to acquire broadcast rights to MLB teams..


But you’re not making a nuanced argument. Your argument is meathead bullshit. It’s “well they didn’t get in trouble...” That’s a toddler argument. Congratulations, you’re five.

We had one of these when I was a kid - if I remember correctly, it was a good car, but the AC had problems.

Seems like you’re aware of those stories, so there has obviously been coverage. I think your point, if it’s even valid, which I don’t think it is, is an embarrassing one to make.

Most of the produce at Costco is ridiculous, in my opinion.

I find it very difficult to believe the Bayview Houses in Canarsie were a picture of racial harmony in the late 50s/early 60s. Canarsie was 90% white until a couple of decades ago...

Aren’t there truck racing circuits? Look, I wouldn’t buy one of these, but it’s no different from a performance anything else sold to the general public. 

Synthetic oil!

No, he didn’t.

Italian bread man, c’mon.

Chipotle’s problem is its food isn’t good anymore. The steak is atrocious now. 

And the more expensive the steak, the more important it is that they get it right. 

Uh, no, we don’t.

Maybe the chicken is good, but that photo looks like vomit. 

Hahaha whatever. You want to work for someone abusive, go ahead. There’s no excuse for it, there’s no justification for it. It’s just stupid. Abusing staff is something a stupid person does. I don’t care what a person has accomplished or what they’re capable of, mistreating others is such a myopic, idiotic way to go

Forget free agents - what other teams are going to want to deal with the Pelicans?

Not really. They voted for him, this is what they got, now they’re upset about what they’ve gotten, and I’m happy that they’re upset about it, even though it hurts me, too. I’m happy that they’re upset about it because they voted for him, by-and-large, for utterly hateful reasons, and because anyone who really pays