
Yeah you don’t get an even dice that way.

Lol I remember that. 

Dude, don’t let fish come up to room temperature. It doesn’t make any difference for sticking, and just makes the food more dangerous. Fish stops sticking when its ready to be flipped. 

If you bothered to google nfl player contracts rather than just be pretty sure about it, you could find the exact wording of the standard player contract:

“THIS CONTRACT is between _______________________ , Hereinafter “Player,” and______________________, a ________________________ corporation (limited partnership)

How is that a relevant precedent? Is Bryce Harper a fungible, inelastic product? Doesn’t the fact that Washington is currently offering a much higher bid obviate this whole idea?

You must think you’re a real galaxy brain with this rhetorical interrogative nonsense. The main reason we have a federal deficit is that taxes aren’t high enough. The federal deficit was actually shrinking under Obama, and has exploded since the most recent tax cuts. The federal deficit is projected to be $1 trillion

Lol and the fact that they only sent 300 of them here. People on the internet are dumb.

Lol, that’s hardly the point of buying one of these, as a comp to a modern ZR1.

I don’t know what you’re talking about with taxpayer-funded electric companies. The USPS can’t raise its prices without an act of Congress, and its service isn’t taxpayer-subsidized. You don’t know what you’re talking about. Go back to your cocoon of misinformation.

Fuck you man

The usps isn’t supposed to make a profit dickhead

An open bid isn’t collusion. That’s a pretty dumb take.

Christopher Johnson is basically Eric Trump so... 

Oh man this is dumb

Well, at least BMW is keeping those fugly, useless GT models.

I see this is mad old, but whatever. I’ve always done it this way:

Whole Foods prices are pretty reasonable in Manhattan. Generally cheaper across the board than C-Town and Gristedes. Gotta stock up on meat at the Costco in Harlem tho..,


Oh man, this type of inductive reasoning is hard to read.

Man, that color is atrocious. Fight me!