
An event? Come on, pal.

Sure, but for like the 15-20 bucks that you can swing it using chicken legs, duck fat, salt pork and cannellinis makes a good practice attempt before you go for that $134 d’artagnan version. Having made the Serious Eats version, I’d be surprised if the D’Artagnan ingredients make for a dish that’s 10 times as good...

Yeah $16 a pound for white beans that aren’t gonna come through in the stew as being different from American-ass white beans is pretty fucking dumb. I bet he could invest some of that time, money, and effort into fixing his damn oven

Check out the cassoulet with chicken legs recipe on Serious eats. I’d link it but I’m lazy. Much cheaper than buying that dartagnan kit for $100 or whatever. 

Man duck legs are cheaper and probably better in cassoulet too... 

Nah, as soon as Syndergaard hit the Yankees he’d turn into Nolan Ryan. J.T. Realmuto will hit .208 for the Mets and go on the 60-day DL in mid-June. It is written.

Yeah why not just sign Ramos or Grandal???

Oh man, the comments section of metsblog.com has so many idiot amateur GMs on it now.

Powerful list

We just had a blue wave election in the House, right? This is how you do it.

But they’re not actually giving him the money. They’re offering him money he won’t take. It’s game theory. The only upside to offering him $0 is the tantrum. The upside to offering him a deal he won’t take is that they can go on the Sunday morning news shows that your parents watch and tell them that they offered

No, it doesn’t. It lets them say “we offered him a deal to avoid the shut down.”

They taught us that in driver’s ed... 22 years ago...

Why is it stupid? He’s not going to take that offer- it’s posturing ahead of a probable shutdown. 

Get well soon!

Uh - it’s in the 2nd video he posted. Clearly a flop.

I’m pretty sure the Knicks coaching staff was just trying to light a fire under him. I know it strains credulity to imagine the Knicks brass using the media correctly, but it seems like that might be the case.

Makes you wonder if PETA is taking money from the Russians. These arguments pretty much echo tactics the Russians used to divide people along social lines...

Yeah man, I know the pan doesn’t heat itself. That’s a pretty obnoxious response, by the way.

I never have any luck cooking bacon in a cast iron pan- it just gets too hot on my shitty stove. The non-stick produces perfect bacon, however.