
Shut the fuck up moron

This is a really SENSITIVE topic for some people

Buddy, vaccinating your kids should be a choice up to their DOCTOR. Whether or not their dicks get snipped is up to THEM when they're old enough to figure that out.

I would say all judges appointed by Presidents who lost the popular vote get purged. Including Roberts and Alito.

Man, some people are really SENSITIVE about this comment.

It’s a source of substantial debate in the medical community. The risk of infection that goes with any surgical procedure, the pain it causes, and the lack of consent is leading a growing number of doctors to consider it unethical to perform on infants. There’s also some evidence that it has sexual health consequences

As an uncut dude, I guarantee you no girl has ever decided not to suck me off because they realized i have a foreskin.

No, it can cause harm. Any medical procedure has risks and it causes unnecessary pain to babies. Elective procedures are decisions for adults to make.

Born and raised in Gaithersburg, MD, a DC suburb. There are a lot of lawyers and wonks in Montgomery Country and Anti Trump Republicans make them all very wet and horny. I grew up in a working class neighborhood and didn’t realize how shitty people were until I was a teenager. All the rich shitlibs made me register

Wow dude I really never thought of it that way! So clever and profound

Fuck the families too. They know exactly what they're doing for him.

You libs are such a disappointment

Wo gives a shit what their job title is? "I perceived a threat" is what cops all over the country say to justify murder of unarmed, innocent people every fucking  day, you technocratic dork boot kicker. Eat shit and stop posting.

Cconservatives were against John Wayne Gacy!

Lol by this logic conservatives were also anti-9/11. You want a fucking cookie for that?

Treaty of Versailles?

Tell Trump that they want to “repeal and replace” JUST LIKE HIM! Tell him it’s a GREAT DEAL!

As someone with mental health needs, insurance companies have been fucking me and my family over my entire life.

As long as Hitler gives them a tax cut, they are on board
