
With lots of money and the certainty that she’ll land on her feet making speeches or lobbying.

Dumb fucking white people definitely helped. The electoral college helped. People who stayed home helped. But Hillary Clinton helped as well.

I know that. My point was that Clinton lost it because she was a bad candidate compared to others in the party, past and present.

It won’t matter. The Supreme Court is lost for a generation.

Obama would win. Bernie would win. Biden would win.

The problem is that people voted for Clinton on the premise that she was more electable despite all the evidence to the contrary. Even now, you are still insisting on it. It’s frustrating and I’m inclined to say that you deserve Trump.

This bullshit about Bernwagoners sabotaging Clinton is completely unfounded and counterfactual. Far fewer people voted for stein than Nader in 2000.

I’m really really sorry


There are bills pending in Michigan and Pennsylvania! Even Utah was considering it because they feel neglected during Presidential races.

I talked to my soon-to-be-elected state representative at my polling station about Connecticut joining the NPVIC, not realizing what a harbinger it would be. He said he would support it. 

You know, if were phonebanking for Sanders and this came up, it would be very easy to explain the difference between socialism and communism to potential voters.

There’s a name for this nonsequitur. what is it?

These same people think Obama is a socialist and we managed to elect him TWICE.

And here you are, reinforcing the notion.

Clinton won a smaller share of women and Latinos than Obama did 4 years ago  a weak candidate. Also, many voters are racist. Both are factors that contributed to this disaster.

Apples vs Oranges. Single payer costs less per capita when it’s done on a larger scale.

Sanders is much getter at defending his heritage and policy proposals than Clinton is at deflecting questions about her misuse of computer systems.


I’m really sorry