Bullshit. Enough of these counterfactual “would be” claims. There was real evidence on head to head performance that you continue to ignore.
Bullshit. Enough of these counterfactual “would be” claims. There was real evidence on head to head performance that you continue to ignore.
I hope she does better than she did with Matt Lauer. Because she kinda pretty much fucked that one up, notwithstanding the stupid double standard applied to her email server vs. the dozens of scandals that Trump has.
I’m really doing everything I can to get Clinton elected, but if she loses, she and her supporters need to FUCKING APOLOGIZE FOR THEIR ROLE IN THIS DISASTER. She is the most uncharismatic candidate since AL Gore. She ran entirely on her “experience” instead of actual ideas. As a result, the debate is about her, not…
What was the time limit?
Why doesn’t the Clinton campaign make it an issue? If Trump steals the election it is because Clinton is a horrible candidate.
It is a close race because Hillary Clinton is an awful candidate with no charisma or ideas. Blaming the media is a loser move.
I’ve always thought people say that only because of the cognitive bias that attractive people are intelligent.
You forgot to blame the people who actually voted for them. They had a choice.
I’m with you. Unfortunately, I’m afraid that this is going to be a close call, rather than the landslide we need in order to repudiate this movement.
As a Bernie bro who spends 75 percent of my time loathing Trump and the rest loathing Clinton, I was really excited and proud of her when she said it and really disappointed when she walked it back.
Maintain the status quo!
I’d pay money to see that!
“In fairness, pancreatic cancer kills most of the people it hits”
He’s just testing the waters for signing Caruth after his release from his current team.
Do you have a better explanation for disproportionately vitriolic rhetoric? They compared his actions to attempted murder and treason. Why u mad, nfl? (They’re mad because they are racist)
It’s not a straw man. It’s relative privation.
I don’t think the people complaining have seen many cases in criminal court. Nor do they understand the value of consistency in the application of the law.
That’s a coincidence, though. He does not choose his words that carefully.
“Mentally ill” for Trump
Lying Ginger! Crooked Ginger! Corrupt Ginger!