Justice For Baby Sara

Whatever it is, it'd be hard to gauge for accuracy and realism.

It was a good …beat.

♫ ♬ Won't save any one of us ♫ ♬

Do they mention Peter Wyngarde and the guy who originally played Anakin Skywalker?

"Juggy" Jane Goldman deserves at least some of the credit for that, but agreed of course.

She looks to be about the same size as Laura's "little sister" (ie later generation clone) Gabby in the comics.

You have to have a mutated X-gene.

Because any alien encounters are fantastical and not based on human experience?

Say it again, good god y'all

System Of A. Dowd.


I always wondered why they didn't go with the obvious corny pun answer. The line they used instead was terrible.

Kermit version.

He didn't, it's already number 11 on the list.

I have the Jeremy Jordan bars on infinite loop in my head.

Exaggerated mannerisms aside, it's sometimes tough with a show like this for us to determine how much of Liv's action is BOTW-derived and how much is really her core personality.

The guy rolled a +7 on his "immense personal charisma" stat.

Oops, time lag… and I agree.

Relax, Thomas and Ruggiero-Wright are seasoned telly veterans. I'm sure they'll find a way to MacGiver (McIver?) Ravi out of this situation.

Jane meets Rahul Kohli… make it happen, iZombie Writers Room.