Justice For Baby Sara

If only…

I'm pretty sure that's the reason DC introduced the Spear Of Destiny in the first place.

I've never watched an episode of Grimm but this week's Legends finale reminded me of the closing scenes of Blake's Seven.

A.V. Club: They just killed off Barry's evil speedster enemy

He's following you
About 30 feet back
He gets down on all fours and breaks into a sprint

Aruba is a magical place but I hope they have room for baby Sara Diggle… right, that's it, I'm changing my screen name.

The low quality jerky CGI at the end was a great tribute to the days of Harryhausen stop motion but luckily the team have a dinosaur survival expert on board. I don't think any amount of beer is going to help Ray convince Mick to cover himself in dino poop and piss to avoid detection though.

It was the beginning of a dark period in the history books. Thanks Obarryma!

Those bluer-than-blue skies sure looked like Super-Earth but then their timeship crashed through a skyscraper and I figured we were on Earth-DCEU, ha ha.

I cracked up laughing at the 2016 line.

You know it was our language first, right? You really shouldn't use full stops in the middle of a sentence either.

You're not going to terrorise the British English world into using -ize overnight you know.

Or 100% if you're using British English which confusingly doesn't use apostrophes for single letters and numbers.

Ah man… I misread the info screen when she first appeared. She's Carrie Hartnell Cutter, not Carrie Harkness Cutter and is not related to Boomerang.

Boomerang is Cupid's dad so he's got to show up on Arrow at some point

"Gave me the chills." What is it about ice themed supervillains that compels everyone to make puns?

The bottom fell out of the pail after being scraped so much.

I thought he had a beef with seventies electronic band Devo.

Is she going to let the girls breathe this time? It's her last chance this season.

It's tragic that she's already fading from our memories. Justice for Baby Sara!