Justice For Baby Sara

I bet Felicity gets to say the "If knowledge is power…" line from Batman Forever.

That poor teenager they aged to death.

I thought that was Julian's job.

Glass cannon.

My favourite Stamp-as-Zod moment is when the kneeling President mutters "Oh, god" and the general thinks he mispronounced his name.

The fact he mimed Frozen… perhaps Caitlin's plight was on his mind?

I could swear they were trying not to laugh when Caitlin was tearfully describing Barry's "death".

They haven't the budget for a Cyborg show. Why not Static (Shock)? He at least has had his own cartoon. Assuming ofc that they specifically want to highlight an A-A character.

Wasn't that Days Of Future Passed?

But the catchphrase certainly was

Yeah? Well, Masters Of The Universe beat X-3 to the post credits stinger by nineteen years so nyah.

I don't even know what I'm doing reading this story. Fox have done stingers before (the end of Days Of Future Past for instance).

He's too much of a goody two-shoes to play the role.

Having squads of literal cheerleaders show up and start chanting his name every episode probably isn't doing Wally's sense of perspective much good.

That would parallel Winn Schott Jr on Supergirl.

Yeah, but it didn't make sense to me until I saw your post because 'Widow' is spelt with a single 'd'.

Mama Koenig is an Inhuman with Octomom powers.

A blue-Skye thinking approach?

Radcliffe explains on screen that her name is an acronym which stands for Artificial Intelligence Data Analyzer or something, so there's that.