Justice For Baby Sara

I can think of another PG in the comics who regularly shows off the goods.

The CatCo balcony is like the Smallville barn and the Third Rock porch all rolled into one.

Ford is married to some skinny actress who used to be in some legal show. WAY beneath Cat's level of attention.

Ford is married to some skinny actress who used to be in some legal show. WAY beneath Cat's level of attention.

Willa Holland does the best sarcastic drawl since Natalie Morales in the late Middleman series. I can't get enough of her humorous snarking. Plus she does a good death metal voice in her angry scenes with Barrowman.

"Yeah, but I'm going to make Mexico pay to clean it up."


Ciara "Hawkchick" Renée is another ex-Broadway musical alumnus, alumna, aluminum… uh, graduate.

Sif fought the Dogs Of War in Agents Season 1.

Not to mention the complaining about the complaining about it.

Your Avengers link goes to the Fiennes and Thurman movie. Just thought you'd like to know.

1st season theme should've been Ray Stevens's "The Streak".